Lion Rescued From Circus Feels Grass For The First Time [VIDEO]

This video should have gone viral nine years ago when it was filmed.

Will the lion was able to feel grass and roam around for the first time after being rescued from having to perform in a traveling circus, and the moment, is truly amazing.

“I can feel and taste the dirt and grass and how wonderful it is as he enjoys his good fortune,” wrote YouTube user Verdant Hush.

“I’m sure this, though far from ideal, is 10,000 times better than what he had. Poor baby has no muscle tone at all.”

Will was part of a circus until the age of 13, according to the website Mashable. He was reportedly kept in a cage, unable to roam as he pleases.

The lion was reportedly rescued from the Brazilian animal sanctuary Rancho dos Gnomos. Will reportedly passed away of old age in 2011.

The video has garnered nearly 1 million views after being uploaded five days ago and has more than 1,300 likes and counting. The recently uploaded video has opened the eyes of many in regards to the tragic reality of animal captivity.

“So beautiful! So sad to think of what came before though. Circuses should not use animals,” wrote YouTuber user Stephanie Doublait.

Fellow social media user richardhalo commented, “Zoos and circuses should be considered illegal and banned.”

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