K-Pop Destinations: Ride The World's Fastest Roller Coaster With EXO's Chanyeol

Welcome to 'K-pop Destinations,' the series that helps readers travel across the world. We'll show you where hit shows and videos are filmed, where top performers are giving concerts, or where your favorite stars take their vacations. That way, the next time you take a vacation, you can make sure to incorporate a little K-pop travel into your getaway.

This week, we're taking a cue from EXO's Chanyeol and embracing our inner child and thrill seeker. The star took a trip to Japan's Fuji-Q Highland, an amusement park that, thanks to its terrifyingly fun roller coasters that seem to defy the laws of physics, is consistently rated amongst the best theme parks in the world.

Named for its proximity to Mount Fuji, several of the park's rides feature stunning views of the majestic peak. It's also known for creating rides and attractions with an anime theme.

It's a short subway or bus ride from Tokyo, and easily accessible for visitors to the city that want to add a day of fun to their Japanese travels.

Fuji-Q is home to several notable roller coasters, including Dodonpa, which claims the world record for the fastest speed (it tops off at 107 milers per hour) and the fastest acceleration. The ride isn't just about speed, though. It's also a total sensory experience.

As riders wait in line and then whiz through the coaster, they hear the constant thrumming of the Japanese taiko drum, an old-fashioned instrument that was designed to display power and dominion among Japanese villages. On the Dodonpa, the drums have the same effect, adding a level of intensity and anticipation to the ride. It's not uncommon for riders to chant along to the drums, which beat in a repetitive three-count rhythm. ("Do-Don-Pa") The ride has been listed on "best of" and "scariest" lists in several publications, including Time Magazine and Travel + Leisure.

Dodonpa is apparently enough to impress Chanyeol -- the star posted a video to his Instagram seemingly marveling at the speeds of the coaster.

The park also boasts the Takabicha, which plunges riders down a 121-ft. freefall, and Eejanaika, which has seats that rotate in 360 degrees so that the ride inverts 14 times (in addition to the heart-stopping drops and turns.)

For a break in between the coasters, park goers can also check out the immersive anime suites, which include life-sized, robotic models of popular characters. The park's two haunted attractions are also a big draw for thrill seekers - one is a prison-themed maze from which you must escape.

Not a fan of being spooked, dropped, or whirled? No worries - if Chanyeol's Instagram is any indication, this carousel looks pretty fun (and tame.)

Even if you don't wind up catching a glimpse of Chanyeol as he's flying down a record-breaking roller coaster or goofing around on a carousel, this place is a must for any thrill-seeker or anime fan that lives in or is visiting Tokyo. Check it out on your next trip!

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k-pop destinations
EXO Chanyeol
Roller Coaster
Mount Fuji
Amusement Park
