‘Expendables 4’ Movie Casting: Hulk Hogan To Join Sylvester Stallone Action Hero Franchise ‘Expendable 4’

'Expendables 4' Movie Casting News: "The Expendables 4" is still massaging its muscles trying to get back in the ring. The future of The Expendables franchise isn't guaranteed because the Sylvester Stallone's aging-action-hero franchise hasn't been making as much money domestically as the older films, Expendables 3 only made $39.3 million domestically. Stallone was recently reported to be looking at Hulk Hogan for the villain in "The Expendables 4."

Former wrestler and the star of Sylvester Stallone's Rocky 3 told fans at the Body Power Expo in England that he had a conversation with Sylvester Stallone about The Expendables 4.

"We're trying to figure out a way to maybe turn me into the most evil man in the world," Hogan said. "Y'know, Stallone gave me my first break and he's been a great friend. We had a great conversation, talking about the possibilities. Can I still run, can I still jump? Well, not as fast or not as high, but I think Hollywood could find a good stunt man to help me out."

The Expendables, the first film in the franchise, featured professional wrestler Stone Cold Steve Austin as henchman Paine. The Expendables continues to mine  '80s.

In the U.S., The Expendables 3 was the least successful of the franchise. Each sequel cast a famous villain. In The Expendables 2, it was Jean Claude Van Damme. In The Expendables 3, it was Mel Gibson.

The Expendables, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jason Statham, Terry Crews and Mickey Rourke debuted in 2010.

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The Expendables 3
the expendables casting
Sylvester Stallone
hulk hogan
