Half Life 3 Release Date News: Valve Executives Detail Half Life 3 And Left 4 Dead Titles In The Works

Half Life 3 Release Date News: Gamers have been waiting for "Half-Life 3" since "Half-Life 2" came out in u Oct. 2007. Half Life 3 was dropped in favor of a full-fledged sequel, according to Valve co-founder Gabe Newell in March.

Valve recently put a new updated logo that is rumored to be for "Half-Life 3" on Steam. Valve Corporation will reportedly premiere "Half-Life 3" at the upcoming Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) 2015.

Besides "Half Life 3," Valve is also reportedly working on third installment of first person shooter game 'Left 4 Dead.' Both games will make use of Source 2 engines.

Valve Corporation, who develops the game "Half Life," may announce the video game's sequel at the 2015 E3 event. While Valve hasn't said much about "Half Life 3's progress a recent update on "Steam" allegedly revealed the video game's logo.

Half Life 3 has not yet been officially confirmed and gamers are speculating that Valve may give the new game to another developer.

Motoring Crunch reported that Valve may give Half Life 3's development to a third party developer to quiet the fans but Half Life fans oppose the idea. Gamers believe a third party developer might ruin the entire Half Life series.

According to gameplay information, Half Life 3's Gordon Freeman might use the Aperture Science technique to get closer with the Aperture Science in order to get to the Borealis.

According to VCPost, Valve co-founder Gabe Newell said "The only reason we'd go back and do like a super classic kind of product is if a whole bunch of peoplee just internally at Valve said they wanted to do it and had a reasonable explanation for why they did," Newell said.

In a GameSlice podcast, Geoff Keighley talked with Valve co-founders Erik Johnson and Gabe Newell.

"The evolution of the company going from software to having at least a piece of it on hardware," Johnson told GameSlice "I think from the outside Valves building hardware is something really new to them in the same way that building a distribution platform was really new and different to us but we've tried to be really comfortable being uncomfortable in doing new things."

"We've never had really looked at ourselves as being in one business or another," Johnson continued.

"It's really just trying to be in the business of making customers happy, in figuring out you know whatever it is we need to learn, become comfortable with doing we'll go ahead and do that. So you can build the animation system for Half-Life 1. It's really a bunch of amazing stuff in its day, and now like you said working on."

IGN report reported that Valve executive Gabe Newell discussed the game in a Game Slice podcast saying a third title might not be such a great idea after the "Portal" sequel.

"The only reason we'd go back and do like a super classic kind of product is if a whole bunch of people just internally at Valve said they wanted to do it and had a reasonable explanation for why [they did]," Newell said at the Game Slice Podcast. "But you know if you want to do another Half-Life game and you want to ignore everything we've learned in shipping Portal 2 and in shipping all the updates on the multiplayer side, that seems like a bad choice."

"So we'll keep moving forward. But that doesn't necessarily always mean what people are worried that it might mean."

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