SeoTaiJi May Be Working on a Comeback in the US

It's been 20 years since SeoTaiJi's debut and speculation that he's working on a comeback is on the rise.

SeoTaiJi debuted on a MBC program called 'Special TV Performance' in April 1992. Fans are hoping that he would make a comeback this coming April.

Little is known about SeoTaiJi's whereabouts except that he currently resides in the United States. SeoTaiJi's company told StarNews on January 5th that "SeoTaiJi is currently working on new music in United States" but also that they "haven't heard anything from him regarding a comeback."

The reason for the anticipation behind the 20th anniversary of his debut is due to the fact that he had always had a grand celebration for each of his significant anniversaries. On the 15th anniversary of his debut in 2007, SeoTaiJi remastered all the music that he had recorded and released an anniversary album followed by a concert. Earlier on the 10th anniversary in 2002, he had also put on a special concert of grand scale. 

Another reason for the hype is that SeoTaiJi had also finalized his divorce with the actress Lee Jia last year. Fans hope that this will mean that he will have a lot of time on his hands to work on a special celebration.

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