Obama Brain Study: Republicans and Democrats Think Differently? Obama Plans To Map The Human Brain

An Obama Brain Study was released yesterday, finding that neural characteristics and brain activity could accurately predict political ideologies.

The Journal LiveScience reported on a study that involved 35 men and 47 women across the Republican and Democratic spectrum.

Researchers in the study looked at risk-taking behavior in areas like gambling and found some interesting brain activity that can possibly linked to politics.

According to Live Science, "brain processed risk worked differently between the groups, with Republicans showing more activity in an area linked with reward, fear and risky decisions and Democrats showing more activity in a spot related to processing emotion and internal body cues."

The Inquisitr summed up the results saying, "fans of Obama...were more likely to be moved by feelings and impulses, while Romney voters were more moved by security and fear."

Darren Schreiber of University of Exeter, where the Obama Brain Study occurred, said in statement, "The ability to accurately predict party politics using only brain activity while gambling suggests that investigating basic neural differences between voters may provide us with more powerful insights than the traditional tools of political science."

Researchers were able to accurately predict a person's political alignment by examining brain activity 82.9 percent of the time.

This interesting study follows Obama's announcement to promote funding to map the Human Brain. He compared the future Brain Study to the Human Genome Project.

Obama hopes that the Brain Study, like the Genome Project, will provide positive economic effects, advance the understanding of how our brains work, and bolster America's scientific credibility on a global scale.

In the most recent State of the Union, Obama highlighted the economic effects of the gene-mapping project, stating, "every dollar we invested to map the human genome returned $140 to our economy - every dollar."

Commentators suggest the Human Brain Map Project could return similar benefits. 

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