MAMAMOO Joins The Summer Girl Group Battle With Their Comeback Album

Girl group MAMAMOO will be holding their first showcase since debut- joining the girl group battle.

On Friday, MAMAMOO will be releasing their second mini album Pink Funky and hold a showcase on Thursday for the first time after their debut.

MAMAMOO will be the trigger for the girl group battle to take place this summer- with many top groups such as Girls' Generation, SISTAR, AOA, A Pink, Girl's Day, and Nine Muses making a comeback. It is even more eye-catching that the trigger is a new girl group rather than an experienced one.

Also, the day of the showcase (June 18) is exactly a year after their debut, celebrating their anniversary.

MAMAMOO's title song "Um Oh Ah Yeah" is a R&B dance song written by the top producer Kim Do Hoon.

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