Newtown Pages On Facebook Are Fake, Used To Harass Families

Connecticut members of Congress have asked Facebook creator and CEO Mark Zuckerberg to remove unofficial pages dedicated to the families and victims of the shooting in Newtown.   

In a letter the Congress members sent to Zuckerberg they talk about how certain people have set up fake accounts to bully and harass the families of the shooting victims and to possibly try and make money off of the tragedy.

Victoria Soto is one of the six adults killed on December 14. She died trying to protect her students from gunman Adam Lanza. According to NBC there are over 100 pages set up in Soto's name.

"Many give the appearance they were created by loved ones in the names of the victims. Unfortunately, many of these pages have become vehicles for harassment, intimidation and possibly financial fraud," the letter states.

In light of the circumstances Facebook has agreed to take down the pages. Attorney General George Jepsen has been working with Facebook to get the site clear of the fraudulent pages.

""I appreciate Facebook's responsiveness, and I have emphasized to Facebook that it must be sensitive to the concerns of the Newtown families. Consistent with these discussions, and in keeping with its community standards, Facebook will continue to work with our office and will continue to remove postings that are designed to harass or intimidate the victims or their families and have no legitimate reason to remain on the site."

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