'One Piece' Chapter 792 Spoilers, Prediction And 791 Summary: Admiral Ryokugyu To Be Introduced Next? Could He Be The Corrupt Admiral?

Finally, the Dressrosa Arc has finally concluded, and big events are bound to happen once the whole world hears of Doflamingo's defeat. Also, prominent figures are for sure to be revealed sooner or later.

With Fujitora probably letting the pirates slide, will fans finally get to see Admiral Ryokugyu once he reports back in the HQ? One Piece Gold created a theory about the yet to be introduced Admiral.

"We have so far seen many types of admirals in One Piece, what is missing is the crooked cop, the corrupt admiral that encapsulates and symbolizes all that is wrong with the marines. We have seen corrupt marines in the series so far (Nezumi, Morgan) which means it's completely possible that higher ranking officers also are corrupt." The website said.

Also, he will fit in to the missing justice theme among the Admirals.

  • Aokiji: Lazy Justice (acts when he absolutely has to)
  • Akainu: Absolute Justice (acts for the greater good with no concern for the means)
  • Kizaru: Random Justice (acts when he feel like doing it)
  • Fujitora: Blind Justice (acts when HE thinks its right)
  • Ryokugyu: Corrupt Justice (acts in his own interests)

Meanwhile, for those who have yet to read "One Piece" chapter 791, here's the summary courtesy of "One Piece" wikia.

"Collapsing from his final effort, Luffy is saved by Law using Shambles to switch him with a piece of rubble. Doflamingo was left laying on the underground trade harbor, unconscious and his glasses broken."

"As the Birdcage disappears, Gatz announces Luffy's victory to the citizens of Dressrosa. Those who were victims of Doflamingo's takeover ten years ago weep with happiness, finally freed from the Shichibukai's cruel rule. Rebecca put Luffy on her lap and as her tears of joy fell on his face, Luffy was left smiling even when he was already unconscious."

The new chapter will be out on Thursday, July 2. "One Piece" chapter 792 spoilers will be out in Mangaspoiler.com and this page will be updated once the spoilers, summary, and raw photos are out.

For weekly dose of "One Piece" chapter 792 spoilers, stay tuned here.

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