Sean has Stroller Date With Youngest Daughter, "I Am a Father!"

Group Jinusean's Sean revealed a picture of himself on a stroller date with his youngest daughter.

Sean posted on his Twitter, "On a date with Ha-el. Ha-eum, Ha-rang and Ha-yool all graduated the stroller so now, stroller date with Ha-el. My children who bring me joy. I am a father!" along with a picture.

In the picture, Sean is walking down a street while holding onto the stroller with Ha-el in it. He is looking at Ha-el with loving eyes of a father.

Sean has been recognized as a family-oriented man as a loving father of his children and a gentle husband to his wife.

Internet users who saw this commented, "I wish I had a husband like Sean", "National father" and "His wife must be so happy."

Photo Credit: Sean Twitter

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