K-Pop Beyond The Charts: We Are The Night Conjure Up A Soundscape Reminiscent Of An '80s Atari Game On 'All Right' [AUDIO]

K-Pop Beyond The Charts is a weekly review column highlighting Korea's modern day musical innovators who have yet to find mainstream success.

Before an artist breathes life into it, any instrument is merely a tool.

Though the same purist platitudes that claimed the electric guitar was going to ruin music in the 1950s now often point their aim at the keyboard as the downfall of Western civilization, it was proven fairly early on in the more than 80-year history of electronic music that computers can express profound emotion.

An iMac onstage may be a depressing sight for many, (this reviewer included), but any device that can communicate the emotional intent of the person using it in a musical framework, must be considered equal.

After the members of the rock band Rocket Diary reformed as the group We Are The Night in 2012, following their mandatory enlistment in the South Korean army, it was clear that their fans were in for something different. Forgoing electric guitars and crash cymbals for synths and drum sequencers, the group remolded themselves into a minimalist electro act with a sound as refined as it is unique.

On their latest single "All Right," released on Thursday, We Are The Night have started to bring more of their rock sensibility to the table with some raw emotion expressed against a musical backdrop that could often pass for an Atari videogame soundtrack from the 1980s.

But that is exactly what makes this group interesting.

Electronic dance innovators like The Happy Mondays or Primal Scream were really rock bands that stumbled into synthesizers. Ask David Bowie why he moved away from guitar-based into keyboard-based music in the early 1970s.

If nothing else, We Are The Night find themselves in very good company.

Listen to "All Right" the latest single by We Are The Night (formerly Rocket Diary) RIGHT HERE

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K-Pop Beyond The Charts
All RIght
