The Birth Of The 'Sad Satan' Urban Legend

At the beginning of this month, horror fanatics and internet nerds alike became deeply engrossed in a mysterious PC game called "Sad Satan." The game has since lost its luster, now being speculated to be a ploy on the part of YouTube channel Obscure Horror Corner to garner a larger audience.

But with the mystery seemingly solved, and the game no longer available in its alleged original form (unless you're looking for a computer crashing clone version), some fans have felt that the ending is strangely anti-climactic.

In short, is there really nothing else to say for the mysterious and horrifying "Sad Satan" game?

In fact, this recently became the topic of discussion on the official "Sad Satan" Reddit group.

"So what can we do? Should we just sit by, accept that this has happened, and move on? Or should we continue to look into it and find out who made the clone and, eventually, tie up the loose ends and solve this whole thing," said White_noiz.

Indeed, it would seem that the mystery of "Sad Satan" is not an open and shut case just yet. Firstly, it's still not certain who created either the clone version or the "original" version of "Sad Satan."

There are plenty of reasons to believe that Obscure Horror Corner may have created the game to garner more viewers and subscribers to his channel. But as some have pointed out, there seems to be significant difference in objective and time uploaded between the first three videos, and the last two videos.

And even if OHC is responsible for the "original" "Sad Satan" depicted in videos, who is responsible for the very dangerous (and very illegal) "clone" version of the game?

Unfortunately, the death of the "Sad Satan" mystery may be inevitable. Several fans have already let the supposed mystery questions about the deep web origins, child pornography and gore content, and Obscure Horror Corner's somewhat sloppy cover-up fall to the waste side.

"Sad Satan" thus has become synonymous with any town urban legend. No one is certain where it came from, how it circulated exactly, or what exactly the point of the game was.

But perhaps a slow death is really just a new beginning in disguise. After all, every great urban legend has a tendency to live forever.

And as everyone knows, everything on the internet lives forever.

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