Bar Bans Google Glasses Before They Are Even Available

A bar in Seattle is the first to ban the high tech glasses by Google.

The Google glasses are not available yet but look like something out of the movie 'Back to the Future.' The wearer puts them on like a regular pair of specs, but unlike your reading glasses the 'Google Glass' allows you to take video, pictures, share and get directions right in front of your eyes.

In order to get the 'Google Glass' you must go to the website and fill out an application.

The 5 Point Bar told, "For the record the 5 Point Bar is the first Seattle business to ban in advance Google Glasses. And [butt] kickings will be encouraged for violators."

The owner of the 5 Point Bar, Dave Meinert says he does not want his customer's privacy invaded nor does he want them video taped without their consent.

People seem to agree with the 'Google Glass' ban,

On Facebook Tony Ingalls wrote, All this tech crap reminds me of Jeff Goldblum's line from 'Jurassic Park' [Goldblum says] 'yeah, yeah, but your scientist were so preoccupied with whether or not they could they didn't stop to think if they should."

Ingalls added, "I'm so tired of all these toys and gadgets."

Facebook user Micah Groover says, "If I catch someone filming me with these things on, I'll ban them myself with my fist."

The 'Google Glass may be available for purchase later in the year.

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