After School Uee Loses Lawsuit Against Aekyung Cosmetic Brand

After School member Uee lost her lawsuit against Aekyung cosmetics company.

Uee was a model for Aekyung's brand, 'Point' starting in 2010. At that time, her contract was for one year with an additional 1 year to be added after the 1 year contract was over.

However, Aekyung contacted Uee's agency and stated before their 1 year contract term ended, that they did not want to use Uee as their model anymore.

A representative from Uee's company stated, "The contract was to be extended another year automatically without having to create a new contract. Aekyung did not pay on time either. We have decided to ask for twice the amount to pay for damages."

The court sided with Uee in the beginning saying that they would fine Aekyung for the damages.

However, later, the court changed up sides and sided with Aekyung, saying that if both sides didn't have any special statements, the contract would continue, but if one side fails to meet the expectations, they can cancel the extended time and terminate the contract.

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After School
