Pat Boone Thinks President Obama Is A Communist: Former Teen Idol Says Pres Is Following Saul Alinsky's 'Rules For Radicals' [VIDEO]

Pat Boone really doesn't like President Barack Obama.

In a Wednesday interview with Fox Business News, Pat Boone called the president a Marxist and a socialist.

"He is following his playbook, which is Saul Alinsky's 'Rules for Radicals,'" Boone said. "This is the guy that trained him to be a community organizer, a Marxist, a socialist, a progressive, who wrote the rules for doing what Mr. Obama is doing."

Alinsky is widely considered to be the father of community organizing as it exists today.

"[President Obama wishes to create a] virtually socialist nation in which nobody gets rich, government is in charge of everything," Pat said.

Pat Boone's string of 1950s hits like the songs "Tutti Frutti" or "Ain't That A Shame," were often toned down versions of songs by black performers, like Little Richard and Fats Domino, tailor-made for white audiences.

The singer joins Kid Rock, Hank Williams Jr. and Ted Nugent on the list of self-affirmed Obama haters.

Boone's statements tying President Obama to Saul Alinsky echo similar statements former Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich made over a year ago.

"[President Obama get his] understanding of America from Saul Alinsky, radical left-wingers, and people who don't like the classical America," Gingrich said on "Meet the Press" during his January 2012 campaign push.

Gingrich also claimed "nobody in the elite media wants to cover" Obama's love of Saul Alinsky.
National Review's John Fund wrote last year that the Obama administration has effectively utilized some aspects of Alinsky's theories.

"Alinsky's tactics of intimidation are a case in point," Fund wrote. "His most oft-quoted rule is 'Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize acts decisively only in the conviction that all the angels are on one side and all the devils on the other.'

Obama's White House has honed that tactic to perfection. In 2009, then- communications director Anita Dunn sneered that Fox News 'really is not a news network at this point.' President Obama himself has, in the spirit of Alinsky, gone out of his way to lambaste 'fat-cat bankers' and greedy health insurers."

"[The administration has] shown they'll go after anybody or any organization that they think is standing in their way," Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell said last year. "You know the drill. Expose these folks to public view, release the liberal thugs on them, and then hope the public pressure or the unwanted attention scares them from supporting similar causes down the road."

See Pat Boone call President Obama a Saul Alinsky-loving socialist RIGHT HERE:


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