'Doctor Who' Season 9 Finale Set Photos Confirm Clara At 'The Impossible Astronaut' Diner!

With the "Doctor Who" Season 9 premiere just a few weeks away, recent set photos for the finale may have dropped major spoilers on what's to come.

On Monday, the Twitter account Doctor Who Filming released set photos featuring actress Jenna Coleman in a waitress uniform. What makes the set photos even more interesting is that she appears to be working at Eddie's Diner, and it is a location we've seen before on "Doctor Who."

Back during "Doctor Who" Season 6, Eddie's Diner was a featured location during the premiere episode titled "The Impossible Astronaut." Fans may recall it featuring familiar faces like River Song (Alex Kingston), Amy Pond (Karen Gillan), Rory Williams (Arthur Darvill) and of course Matt Smith's Doctor.

Does this mean the "Doctor Who" Season 9 finale will revisit this timeline? After all, Clara is the "Impossible Girl."

In the latest issue of SFX Magazine, executive producer Steven Moffat revealed spoilers on every episode of Season 9, but he had little to say about the finale, except to call it "a challenge."

"I won't say anything else because it would be too spoiler-y, but when you'll watch it, you're going to ask how exactly the Doctor and Clara are going to pull it off," said Moffat according to Doctor Who TV.

"Wild guess, but by 'pull it off' I'm wondering if the Doctor and Clara will be trying to get to or free Galifrey in the finale," commented The Lazy Cat. "It fits with Moffat's comments so far."

But Moffat had more to say about the "Doctor Who" Season 9 premiere, which will feature the return of the Daleks and Missy.

"It features lots of Daleks and this time we mean it," teased Moffat. "Clara receives a mysterious summons and has to team up with Missy to search for the Doctor in a very, very old place."

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