Cat Copies Mom Unsuccessfully As She Bathes Herself [VIDEO]

Sometimes, being a baby is just so hard because you don’t have the ability to do what the adults can do.

An adorable kitten named Neo experienced this full on when he attempted to copy his mom while she was bathing herself, only to fail in the end.

The cutest part would have to be when Neo tries to clean his ears the way his mom does, only to realize that he can’t reach as well as his mom can. Neo, who has been featured on many videos under the YouTube channel Ari K, is gaining fans all around after his adorable attempt.

“So cute!!!” commented YouTube user MaKara Kyer.

Social media user Anthony Trujillo wrote, “That cuddles my heart.”

Neo was reportedly just 25 days old when the video was recorded and posted on YouTube earlier this summer. The video has been gaining viral recognition once again after it was posted by American’s Funniest Home Videos on Facebook and YouTube.

Neo’s very cute moments have been documented for some time now, and he’s clearly very close to his mom, as seen in this video below.

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