Letterman's Most Famous Banned Guest – A History Of Harmony Korine On The Late Show

James Franco was on The Late Show with David Letterman Monday night to promote his new film Spring Breakers and prodded the host with questions as to why the movie's director, Harmony Korine, had been banned from ever being a guest on the night time talk show ever again.

At first, Letterman was playing dumb, pretending not to remember the quirky Korine on the show before.

When James Franco suggested it was because of an incident with Meryl Streep, the truth came out. As Letterman explained, he banned the guest for snooping through the actress's purse.

"I went upstairs to greet Meryl Streep and welcome her to the show, and I knock on the door... and she was not in there. And I looked around and she was not in there, and I found Harmony going through her purse," he said. "True story. And so I said, 'That's it, put her things back in her bag and then get out.'"

Franco assured Letterman that Korine is a different man now that he is older. "Harmony is a very sane guy now, a great artist and great person to work with, but I think he had a period where he was going a little off the rails, so maybe he was on something that night."

But with Franco's support, Letterman said he would be "more than happy" to have his famously banned guest appear on the show again some time.

So just why was Harmony Korine such a memorable Late Show guest?

Below is a series of guest appearances from 1995-1997 that show a bemused Letterman interacting with the young creative genius. Do yourselves a favor and check them out, and you will see why the banned guest needs to sit next to Letterman again in the very near future.

Harmony's first appearance on the show, in 1995 promoting his breakout movie Kids. His two 1997 appearances for Gummo and his book A Crack Up at the Race Riot. And James Franco's appearance on Monday praising Harmony Korine.

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James Franco
Harmony Korine
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