Chin Implant Trend On The Rise

The latest trend in plastic surgery is the chin implant or "chinplant." The purpose of the chin implant is to change the structure of a person's jaw line and make the chin more prominent.

The chin implant trend is popular with men and women aged 40 and above. Although some younger celebrities have joined in on the chin implant trend. The chin implant is one of the fastest growing plastic surgery procedures in the country.

Fox News reports that in 2011 10,593 men and 10,087 women have had chin implant surgery. In men the chin implant surgery rose 76% since 2010 and in women 66%. Experts believe that the rise in chin implant plastic surgery could have to do with online video chatting.

The president of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, Malcolm Roth told Fox News, "We also know that as more people see themselves on video chat technology, they may notice that their jaw line is not as sharp as they want it to be. Chin implants can make a dramatic difference."

Traditionally a strong chin has been associated with power and success. This could also explain the spike in patients joining the chin implant trend.

Celebrities have often been the poster children for plastic surgery. Reality stars have also joined the "chinplant" trend. Teen Mom Farrah Abraham and Real Housewife Vicki Gunvalson have both undergone a "chinplant." has a page dedicated to the chin implant trend, explains how the procedure works and how costly it is.

The website says the "chinplant" surgery has a fast recovery time, with many patients back on their feet in a few days. They also say scars from the surgery are easily hidden but like all surgery the "chinplant" comes with risk.

Possible risks include infection and an uneven look. If the plastic surgeon is even a millimeter off when implanting the silicon chin the patient could end up with an uneven face.

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