Big Bang's T.O.P Reveals His Simple Standards In Finding A Girlfriend

Good news for those still wanting to be Big Bang T.O.P's girlfriend as he revealed that he currently does not have one.

On Wednesday, September 16th, T.O.P held his episode of the live broadcasting show "I Answer Your Questions" on Naver V App.

The actor/model/rapper is the third member to hold his episode on the Naver V App.

When one fan asked if he has a girlfriend, T.O.P answered, "I really don't have one," he began explaining. "My standards are actually really simple. I like feminine girls. I don't like nosy girls." 

In addition, T.O.P gave specfic characteristics on what he'd like to find in his future girlfriend.

"Her voice just has to be thinner than mine and she just has to be younger than my mom and not a minor. I'm not big about age."

Age is just a number to T.O.P, so anyone has a chance!

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