'Prometheus 2' Plot Traces Link To 'Alien;' Ridley Scott Opens Up

Ridley Scott finally opened up about how "Prometheus 2" plot will be linked to "Alien."

In an interview with Hey U Guys, the elusive director said that the title for "Prometheus 2" would be "Alien: Paradise Lost."

When asked to explain the title, Ridley Scott said, "Well, because we're heading back to why and how and when the beast was invented. We'll go back into the back door of the very first Alien that I did thirty years ago."

The beast he's referring to in the plot to "Prometheus 2" are the xenomorphs in "Alien."

However, don't expect any xenomorph to show up in "Alien: Paradise Lost."

Ridley Scott previously said that "Prometheus 2" will stay away from the xenomorphs.

"It's fresh and getting away from gods (engineers) and dragons (xenomorphs) and shit. If I see one more dragon, I'm going to shoot myself. Stop the dragons," he said of the villains to be expected from the "Prometheus" sequel.

"The alien's real, which is why it's probably one of the scariest monsters in film history. So with 'Prometheus 2,' what I'm trying to do is reintroduce a fresher form of alien in the third act," the director said.

Cinema Blend said that "Prometheus 2" plot will attempt to explain the gap between the film and the events in "Alien" starting Sigourney Weaver.

"There's definitely a gap in the timeline between the ending of Prometheus and the begging of Alien, and this new film - now called Alien: Paradise Lost -- will exists in that void," it said.

But don't expect "Alien: Paradise Lost" to be the last of the series as Ridley Scott had hinted that there could more sequels to fully cover the whole universe.

"At the same time," Cinema Blend added. "Scott is approaching 80 years of age. How many Alien films does he have left in him?"

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