New Album From Metallica Still A Long Way To Go? Kirk Hammett Not Rushing

A new album from Metallica is expected really soon but members of the band claimed that they are taking things slowly and fans should have to wait a few more months before they could hear new materials from the band.

In an interview included in the report of Inquistr, guitarist Kirk Hammett revealed that they are taking things slowly and carefully to ensure the quality of their next release.

He revealed how they have a lot of songs written and recorded, which they think would either make it in the record or not.

"We're just plowing away it and working on it every day, and we're gearing up to actually record some of it now," Hammett explained. "It's still so early in the process. You know, these songs we're recording, they might be on the album, they might not be on the album. It's just one of those things where we're just trying to, like, negotiate through all the material and just figure out what the best way to move forward is. And so, that's basically where we're at right now."

"A lot of times, we don't know where it's going, and we just kind of have to just keep it on the road and see where it takes us," the Metallica guitarist said about the direction of the new album in a separate Loud Wire interview. "And, at this point, we're still on that road and we're wondering where it's gonna take us."

Meanwhile, earlier this year, Metallica drummer Lars Urlich talked to Rolling Stone and revealed what fans should expect from their release.

"In our world, there's been a distinct difference between the creative phase and the recording phase," Ulrich said of the new Metallica album. "With this project, we're trying to bridge the two a little more organically and not have there be such a great divide between the processes. We want to see if we can bring some of the creative curiosity, the impulsive stuff that happens when you're first playing a song into the studio."

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