Michelle Rodriguez’s Ex-Girlfriend Cara Delevingne Talks About Depression; ‘Paper Towns’ Actress Admits She Had A Mental Breakdown

Michele Rodriguez's ex-girlfriend Cara Delevingne recently talked about depression and a mental breakdown that she experiennced during the Women in the World Summit.

The 23-year-old "Paper Towns" lead actress was interviewed by Rupert Everett in London where she revealed that her teenage years may seem to be perfect for some but she had actually gone through depression.

"In our culture we are told that if we are beautiful, if we are skinny, if we are successful, famous, if we fit in, if everyone loves us, that we'll be happy. But that's not entirely true," Cara Delevingne said.

Starting when she was 5-years-old, Michelle Rodriguez' ex-girlfriend Cara Delevingne said that she wanted to please her family so she pushed herself too far, ABC News said.

"I got to the point where I had a bit of a mental breakdown," she added.

Her depression even came to a point when the model and actress wanted to take her own life. Marie Claire said.

"I got to the point where I was a bit mad. I was completely suicidal, didn't want to live anymore," Cara Delevingne said.

Adding to this, the "Pan," actress also thought that she was alone despite having a wonderful family and friends.

"I wanted the world to swallow me up, and nothing seemed better to me than death," she said,

But the actress said that she has now coped up with that phase and revealed that doing yoga and writing made her feel better.

Advising young girls her age, Cara Delevingne said that they should accept themselves and embrace their flaws.

Cara Delevinge is now far from what she experienced in her younger years as she chooses to chase her calling which is acting.

This year, Michelle Rodriguez's ex-girlfriend said that she is no longer working as a professional model and that she wanted to be known as an actress.

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Cara Delevingne ex girlfriend Michelle Rodriguez
