Psy States, "I Have Hopes for Billboard No.1"

Psy revealed that he does have a bit of positive expectations for his shot at the number one spot on Billboard because of the enormous success on YouTube thus far.

Featuring as a guest on the radio show, 'Bae Chulsoo's Muic Camp,' Psy gave his predictions on how well "Gentleman" might fare in the battlegrounds of Billboard.

Asked about his chances at Billboard top ranking, Psy responded, "Although the iTunes ranking dropped a bit, I have my hopes up because it has been doing very well on YouTube."

He added, "I found myself hanging my head when I fell short of reaching the top with 'Gangnam Style'. I laughed at myself for a while. Getting to the number two spot is a huge accomplishment in and of itself."

Bae Chulsoo, the DJ of the show, joked that because Maroon 5 was at the top during Psy's attempt at the number one spot, a lot of Maroon 5 fans in Korea jumped ship.

Psy's music video of "Gentleman" has exceeded 200 million YouTube hits as of April 22.

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