Profile Of A K-Pop Fan: Carolyne Dairis Of Malaysia Uses Twitter To Connect With FTISLAND And Ailee

NAME: Carolyne Dairis

AGE: 24

HOME: Tambunan, Sabah, Malaysia

CURRENTLY: Attending university

INTRO TO K-POP: "My earliest K-pop memory was back in 2009 when I was all about the Wonder Girls, which started with their song 'Nobody.'"

THE DIFFERENCE: "Personally, K-pop is different compared to other pop music because [the] physical looks are undeniable, but, most importantly, K-pop touches me inside out in a way other pop music does not."

CULTURAL MISUNDERSTANDINGS: "There is a language barrier and so that becomes one of the reasons [why people misunderstand K-pop]."


WHY FTISLAND: "I am a supporter of good music, and my opinion of good music is where it touches you inside out, through sadness, happiness, while broken hearted and so on. FTISLAND definitely is the group of my choice. [They] became my favorite because their songs and band as a whole touch me, inspire me. I live with FT songs in so many circumstances.

By biggest moment as a K-pop fan was when I declared myself as a Primadonna [FTISLAND fan]. I never meet any artists yet but to write to them is a given. Twitter is where all [my] interaction is going on."

FAVORITE SONG: "Black Chocolate"


WHY AILEE: "Because her voice is so out of this world."

FAVORITE SONG: "I'll Show You."

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