Kyuhyun Gives Fans An Insight To Both Of His Title Tracks, ‘Blah Blah’ and ‘Still’

Kyuhyun have announced his comeback for this month! He will be releasing his third mini album, 'Waiting, Still.' For this album, Kyuhyun will have two title tracks, 'Blah Blah' and 'Still.' Leading up to the final date, he has released music teaser for both of the title tracks.

Check out the teaser for Blah Blah below:

'Blah Blah' is one of the title tracks. He worked on it with Yong Jong Shin who helped compose and produce this track. The 'Blah Blah' music video teaser showed that it is a ballad song that fits perfectly with the current autumn atmosphere. The teaser only gave an instrumental version of the track, where in the last few seconds, Kyuhyun can be heard singing, 'Blah Blah'. In the teaser, the use of colour definitely brings out the warmness of autumn. The teaser seems to tell a story of Kyuhyun's transformation, where he is seen to have his hair cut and outfit changed to a more sophisticated look. This look brings out the mature side of Kyuhyun, where he is about to meet a girl.

'Still' is Kyuhyun's second title track and the teaser can be seen above. He worked with Sung Shi Kyung to produce it. 'Still' also is a ballad track that sets under the fall theme. This time the video teaser showed more of Kyuhyun's vocals. His voice is very soothing and definitely brought chills down my spine. The video teaser itself showed Kyuhyun enjoying his time on a date.

Overall, both title tracks fits with Kyuhyun's music style, and sounds great so far. It definitely got fans excited for its full release. The two music videos will be released on the 10th of November. Meanwhile, remember to check the two teasers above and let us know which of the two you like best!

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