Jason Mraz Continues His Love Affair With Korea: Concert In Seoul, 'SNL Korea' This Weekend

Famed American singer-songwriter Jason Mraz has a real love for Korea. So it comes as no surprise that he will be making the most of his latest trip to the country and will appear as a guest on SNL Korea May 18.

Jason Mraz is back in Korea for the sixth time since 2006 for his Jason Mraz Live In Seoul with Special Guest concert on May 17. But the talented musician will also be featured as a special guest himself on Korea's own Saturday Night Live the following day.

According to a press release by CJ E&M, the Saturday night sketch comedy show is starting to include a wider range of popular celebrities and Jason Mraz is the first in a hopefully long line of diverse entertainers that will appear on the program.

The upcoming episode will also include other well-known celebrities including Sam Hammington and singers JK Kim Dong-uk and Younha.

Korean Mraz fans are undoubtedly excited for his television appearance, as the singer has a tremendous fan following in the country. His albums have all been huge hits in South Korea, particularly Mr. A-Z (2005) and We Sing, We Dance, We Steal Things (2008) which sold thousands of copies.

The singer also credited South Korean fans with the vast popularity of his song "I'm Yours" which he says he first started to really perform while in the country on tour.

"I experienced so much love and support from my Korean fans, even from the earlier stages of my career, which makes me want to come back again and again," the 34-year-old singer said in an interview with the Korea JoongAng Daily last year. "Every time I played in Korea, I as always blown away by this amazing fan reaction; the epic audience bouncing and singing along."

Last month it was revealed that Superstar K season four winner, Roy Kim, would be included among Mraz's special guests for the concert at Jamsil Stadium in Seoul.

"I always enjoyed Jason Mraz's music," said Roy Kim about having the opportunity to perform alongside the American musician. "I am happy that I will be able to share the same stage with him. I will prepare hard in order to show a good performance."

Fans look forward to an exciting concert on Friday, and are even more eager to see Jason Mraz alongside some of the most talented Korean stars on SNL Korea Saturday night.

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Jason Mraz
Roy Kim
SNL Korea
