B1A4 Finally Nabs A Music Show Award

With their current promotion for the song "What's Going On?" B1A4 victoriously claims their first number 1 ranking award with a flood manly tears and bro hugs. The episode aired on May 18, 2013.

In the running for number one was Lee Hyori, 4minute, as well as rookie singer Roy Kim. Jokes aside, this was very humbling to watch. These are kids who spent their worked down to the bone all for the sake of perfecting their craft. They deserved the win because they have come so far since their debut, and in terms of talent and improvement, B1A4 definitely tops the list.

The leader of the group was stunned as he began to stutter through his thank you's and acknowledgements while the rest of the members stayed back to admire their winning trophy, counting down the seconds until they get to go home and argue over renting arrangements. I hope Baro gets to keep it in his desk shelf for two minutes longer.

At the end of everything, Jinyoung's gratitude stretched further through the internet. He updated his Twitter with more messages of love to his fans and to everyone who backed them up. Let us all continue to support B1A4! And love them lots!

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