100K First 'Superman' Comic Ever Found In Home's Wall: In-Laws Rip Back Cover Trying To Steal The Find

David Gonzalez found the first Superman comic ever hidden in the insulation of the home he was remodeling; the comic is valued at over $100K, but it could have been worth a lot more if he hadn't ripped the back cover during all the excitement. 

Some consider the 1938 Action #1 comic the "holy grail of comic finds," so it's no wonder it was recently found in the home David Gonzalez was remodeling. 

The Minnesota Star Tribune reports that David Gonzalez was just mind his business and remodeling a home he's bought for just $10,000. 

The plan was for it would be a fixer-upper, but after finding the very first Superman comic in the walls of the home, it might turn into a keeper. The comic certainly has, until someone pays more than six figures to own the Action #1 comic. 

Except, after Gonzalez's $100K discovery, a problem arose. 

He was showing the comic to his excited in-laws, when his wife's aunt attempted to grab the comic right from Gonzalez's hands. 

When Gonzalez grabbed the comic book back, the back cover ripped. 

"They got all excited and tried to take it," he said. "I understand it's something cool, but told them: 'You don't have to act so rude. I brought you in to show you, don't grab it.' " Gonzalez said to the Star Tribune.

The co-owner of the New York auction house ComicConnect, Steven Fishler, is auctioning the comic on Gonzalez's behalf. 

Fishler said of the accidental rip in the back cover, "That was a $75,000 tear."

Despite the tear, comic collectors say the find is truly rare. Most of the Action #1 comics out have been traded and re-sold many times. 

Since it's been on sale from two days ago, will continue to be into June, the highest bid as of this writing was for $113,11. Not to shabby for David Gonzalez. He bought the home for just $10,100 after outbidding someone else by just $100. 

That Action Comic #1, which is the very first Superman sighting in comics, sat in someone's wall for almost 70 years is a minor miracle, and to have the very first Superman survive the ordeal is incredible.

Almost like Superman himself. 

But one person in this whole story wasn't very impressed: Gonzalez's wife, Deanna. 

"I didn't think anything of it," Deanna Gonzalez said. "It's just a comic book."

Yeah, but it's the very first Superman comic book and it probably going to net Gonzalez's family over $100K. 

That's pretty super, man. 

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