Why Korean Markets Are Better Than Any Other

Korean supermarkets are quite the impressive sight if you never even seen an Asian grocery store before. However, there is one viral photo that is proving why Korean markets are so great.

Aside from grocery shopping, there are a flood of various makeup stores, food courts, and bakeries located near these shopping meccas. The temptations to shop are real and sometimes you need a moment to yourself to take everything in - or you might need some help to cope with the endless products around you. Now, Korea has made either situation easier with this method. 

These two baskets come with different colors and each has a sign that lets store clerks know whether or not you need help or want to be left alone to shop assistant-free. Talk about simple yet innovative! Now if it only came with an idol inside.

Fans commented how much they loved the simple idea and even shared that they are tempted to steal these baskets to use at other stores. What do you think of Korea's small change in creating a unique shopping experience?

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