SuperStar SM Cancel's Girls' Generation's Event Saying 'There Is Nothing We Can Do'

SONES are new to pleased by the recent news of Girls' Generation's 10th Anniversary event being canceled. 

In celebration of their 10th anniversary, exclusive merchandise and themed packs for the event were scheduled for release. Now that their portion of the event is canceled, the items have been canceled along with it. 

On the official subreddit for the game, the developers posted, "Event & New Theme - Cancelled." When a redditor replied, "Event & New Theme - Cancelled...for this week right? (ఠ్ఠ Ë“Ì­ ఠ్ఠ) It will be next week?" The developers continued to say sadly, "There is nothing Dalcomsoftcan do... (╥﹏╥).

Many players of SuperStar SM post their discontent saying how they saved in-game currency just for the event and more. One user even emailed Dalcomsoft, the company who also worked on the development of the event and SuperStar SM, only to be given the same excuse again. 

Shockingly enough, fans speculated this sudden inconvenience happened due to the current progress of Girls' Generation's contracts being renewed with SM Entertainment. What do you think of this gaming disaster? Stay tuned for more updates.

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Girls Generation
SuperStar SM
