SNSD’s YoonA lands endorsement with innnisfree

Innisfree is a make up brand that goes prides itself on naturalism, which they felt like YoonA's skin was a perfect representative of what they stand for. The brand new product YoonA will be the face of is called "Echo Science White C Double Serum," which is revolutionary whitening solution. 

They shot the photos for the advertisement at Jeju Island. YoonA showed keen interest for the product prior to the photo shoot and the filming of the advertisement as she inquired with representatives about the product, and also went as far as to use the product a week in advance. YoonA wanted to make sure she believed in what she would be endorsing. 

A representative of Innisfree made a statement saying, “YoonA has always been interested in our innisfree products and during photo shoots and filming she always tries her best. She is a flawless model.”

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