Hidden Details Revealed About MadTown's Lawsuit

On September 11th it was reported that boy group MadTown were filing a cancellation of their contract with abandoned entertainment company GNI Entertainment. Now, their lawyer has revealed some information that surprised netizens regarding their case.

The boy group had taken their claim to the Seoul Central Court on September 11th and their lawyer Sun Jong Moon of the law firm Sun and Partners, revealed, "Mad Town are receiving no financial, material, or human resources from their label. There are no employees at the agency, no official website, and the office space was sold. The Mad Town members have no transportation, manager, or dorm. This makes it impossible for them to do any activities, and they haven't promoted since their last album in June of 2016." 

Netizens and fans were completely shocked and outraged by the conditions MadTown have been left in for almost 6 months. The CEO of GNI Entertainment was arrested in early February of 2017 due to fraud. The group had also remained inactive, with the exception of member Jung Si Hyun performing on 'Produce IOI Season 2.'

Their lawyer continued to state, "When they were about to grow as a group, they were forced to move agencies, and they're now in a predicament where they can't perform at all. They're hurting because of this. As their current contract is still standing, Mad Town cannot request help or sign with another agency." 

The boy group are currently working under J.Tune Camp Entertainment but are facing struggles until their original contracts are canceled. Stay tuned for more updates!

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