Reporter Oh Sang Jin Talks About His Pregnant Wife

The TV reporter Oh Sang Jin announced on Happy Together episode that his wife is now 7 months pregnant. They are expecting a daughter and Oh Sang Jin couldn't contain his happiness.  

He said that his wife had an amazing dream about conception, featuring BTS's Jungkook. The show host asked Oh Sang Jin whether he and his wife had a dream to foretell the pregnancy, Oh Sang Jin told him that his wife had an unforgettable experience.   

In Korean culture, they believe in having special dreams called "taemong". This happens when parents, family members, relatives or even friends dream about the future conception of the birth of a child. Korean women often have conception dreams about fruits, animals, nature, children, and jewels. The dreamer will usually take or eat fruit, embrace animals or have interaction with nature. Conception dreams are common in Asian countries.

Oh Sang Jin shared what his wife dreamt about. He said that his wife was approached by a huge elephant. In Korea, elephants symbolize wealth and fortune, and when specific symbols like this appear in a dream, this can mean a foretelling conception or a good future. 

She saw BTS's Jungkook riding at the back of the elephant. Oh Sang Jin mentioned that his wife has been an avid fan of BTS ever since they began. He said that his wife's favorite member has always been Jungkook, that was the reason why Oh Sang Jin never felt surprised when Jungkook took a part in this beautiful dream. 

Oh Sang Jin said that his wife saw Jungkook with a pair of clean sneakers. Jungkook stopped to hand the shoes to his wife, then he left and rode off with the elephant. And that concludes why Oh Sang Jin and his wife considered this as the most amazing conception dream ever.

Oh Sang Jin and his wife never expected of having a girl because Jungkook was the messenger in her dream, but now they confirmed that it is a daughter. The happily married couple couldn't wait to welcome their beautiful baby girl. 

The host told Oh Sang Jin that his daughter will be smart and successful in the future just like BTS, and Oh Sang Jin couldn't help it but feel grateful and happy.

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