Ktown4U Releases Statement Concerning Kang Daniel Album Donations

(Photo : Summerong)

On September 3, Thursday, news of Kang Daniel donating 35,000 albums to charity was posted to an online community. They claimed the idol had donated the albums himself. However, online K-pop star Ktown4U has come forward to reveal it was them, releasing a statement to inform the fans.

At the time of posting, many people supported the supposed donation made by the artist, saying it was a good deed from the idol. However, some people criticized the donation, accusing Kang Daniel of trying to get rid of excess albums.

(Photo : Konnect Entertainment)

When the post started to go viral, a user claiming to Kang Daniel's album support team released a statement concerning the donations. They claimed that they, alongside the artist Kang Daniel were donating 35,000 copies of his "MAGENTA" album to donation centers with good intent and a good heart. They went on to thank the fans for continuing to support Kang Daniel.

Their statement reads,

(Photo : Pann Nate)

"We are Kang Daniel's Album Support Team.

His album 'MAGENTA's has been shipped to a donation center. We have donated numbers in the amount requested by the donation center. We are the ones in charge of sending the album.

Our team had participated in the donation event with good intentions and a good heart. Despite that, some people have taken photos of the process and used it to defame us. The donation centers were happy to accept the albums donated and have taken the photos themselves.

To those who continue to use the photos to slander the artist or the fandom, we will be taking the appropriate legal actions.

We would like thank DANITYs who continue to support Kang Daniel and the team."

Still, at the time of the posting, users were split on their thoughts on Kang Daniel's supposed donation. Now, however, it appears the statement was made by a random person claiming to be Kang Daniel's album support team.

As the post continued to make its rounds on the internet, Ktown4U, an online K-pop store, released a statement to their social media accounts. They have since revealed that they were the ones who donated the albums as an organization after consulting with the charity they were donating to. Their statement reads,

(Photo : Twitter)

"Hello. This is Ktown4U.

Recently, false information and malicious rumors are going around in connection to the donation of albums, which was organized by Ktown4U.

We donated the albums as an official organization after consulting with the charity that will be accepting it. We received a thank you message for the donation and delivered it to the fans waiting for it.

We would like to apologize to the fans for the misunderstanding. We delivered the donation with good heart and intentions. We will be taking legal action against those who continue to spread malicious rumors.

The donation is an on-going process with the help of many K-pop fans. We hope there will be no further misunderstandings and spreading of false information.

Thank you."

After it was revealed that Ktown4U had been the one to send the donations, DANITY (Kang Daniel fan) flocked to support Kang Daniel, reporting those who spread malicious rumors and false information concerning the contributions.

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