Alien Or Ghost Cures Cancer Child? Apparition Sighting Caught On Camera! [VIDEO]

An alien, ghost, or something even more inexplicable?

A child named Erin Potter was reportedly cured of cancer shortly after encountering a ghost or alien presence this month. According to UFO Sightings Daily, the sighting occurred in Kirkland, Ohio shortly after Erin's family learned that her cancer was back for the third time.

"My reaction immediately, it's Mary, they hear us, she's there," said Jen Potter, Erin's mother.

"I didn't necessarily see it as a sign that Erin is fine and is going to walk out of this, but it's a sign that we're watching over her."

According to The Canadian, Erin was diagnosed with leukemia in February 2007, with numerous painful bone marrow transplants since then.

The photo of the alien of ghost-like apparition was taken right before she was about to undergo her second transplant.

In the photo, a transparent apparition much taller than Erin can be seen standing next to her, unbeknownst to Erin as she played with sparklers.

While alien and paranormal enthusiasts have disagreed on the nature of the apparition, they share in the relief that Erin is now safe from cancer.

"I know she's not alone, I know we are not alone and people who don't want to believe it, that's OK," said Erin's father Kevin.

"Whatever happened, you know something powerful and special was there with us I definitely have my moments when I'm falling apart and I'm terrified and I literally grab my phone and I stare at that picture."

Check out the apparition below:

What do you think? Ghost, alien, Mary, or something else entirely?

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