Meet Solia – The Fastest K-Pop Girl Group to Disband in History!

Usually when K-Pop groups disband, fans are heartbroken, mourining for days and listening to all the jams that filled up their playlists and made many lasting memories in there lives. However, for girl group Solia, it seems likely that it was even possible to secure even 10 fans as the group disbanded... in five (5) days. Yup, 5 days. No more, no less. Well, maybe less if they kept the news to themselves for a while.

After their debut with "Dream" on August 16, it was announced on August 22 that the girls had officially disbanded. The few fans they had have left comments of disbelief, saying "What????? But it has only been few days... :(" and "Thank you for your hard work..."  While other fans seemed annoyed directly at the company stating, "Companies shouldn't just open up thinking they can manage a K-Pop group," "These 'CEOs' need to take business classes," and (probably the most funny) "Did they think an investment was just going to fall lfrom the sky after a debut?"

The video at least gained 80K views on YouTube, but this was after the fact of their shocking world-record breaking news was released... so who knows how little views they may have had before that!

It seems this dream turned more into a nightmare and was one we quickly awoke from. A shame for the girls but here is hoping that they can be more successful in the future as idols in another group.

What do you think of this shocking news? Perhaps there are groups who disbanded even faster than that? Don't forget to watch the MV and share your thoughts down below.

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