Edward Snowden's Girlfriend Posts Blog, Video [WATCH]: Feels "Lost At Sea" Without "Man Of Mystery"

Edward Snowden's girlfriend, Lindsay Mills, had a blog that details their life together. The ballerina and pole dancer blogged about her life in Hawaii and abroad as the girlfriend of Edward Snowden, and intriguing details of her emotions and thoughts have emerged. Mills posted a revealing VIDEO of her performing recently. "L's Journey", the blog, has been taken down-- but details have survived.

Edward Snowden is a whistleblower who recently leaked classified documents about US surveillance operations. His girlfriend, Linday Mills, wrote "I don't know what will happen from here. I don't know how to feel normal," just a day after Snowden identified himself.

"My world has opened and closed all at once. Leaving me lost at sea without a compass ... at the moment all I can feel is alone," Mills said.

Mills knew Edward Snowden was leaving Hawaii, but not why-he was deliberately vague. Mills, too, was vague about Snowden from the beginning, calling him only "E" or her "man of mystery".

The blog was the "Adventures of a world-traveling, pole-dancing superhero." It showed the couple living abroad, travelling the world, camping, snorkeling, and hiking. Mills was the 28-year-old member of a local dance troupe, a ballerina, and a dancer.

Mills, 28, has since taken the blog offline. It's still available in a Google Cache. Shortly after Snowden made the his confession that he was the source of the leaks, she wrote "Sometimes life doesn't afford proper goodbyes."

She's still active on Twitter, but yesterday she Tweeted, To delete or not to delete. .

We'll see what happens. But in the meantime, you can see Mills by watching the video below:

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