Amanda Bynes Tweets Sorry To Drake After "Ugly" Twitter Rant + Says Germans Are Not Her Type

After Amanda Bynes' "ugly" Twitter rant on Thursday  toward her former crush Drake, today the former Nickelodeon star had a change of heart which was revealed when she said sorry to the rapper via the social media outlet.

While apologizing, Amanda wished for the opportunity to build a friendship with Drake.

Early Thursday morning, Bynes went on Twitter to publicly announce her dislike for the "Started From the Bottom" rapper's physical attributes.

In a nutshell, Amanda promised to post an "ugly" pictures of Drake whenever she finds one.  Additionally, the starlet said she could never marry the rapper but quickly changed her mind when mentioning how she dated "ugly" guys in the past.

The icing on the cake, were the pictures she posted of Drake with insulting captions which were later deleted.

All might be well since the apology but is this the end of Amanda's Drake obsession?

Meanwhile, she told Germans that there is not hope in having a relationship with her due to her Jewish roots.

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