Lindsay Lohan Smoking In Rehab [PHOTOS]

Lindsay Lohan has just surfaced in rehab...and she's smoking. Literally. Apparently, she wants to give up some drugs-but not all. Some addictions are worse than others, we suppose.

Lohan left the Betty Ford Clinic for Cliffside Malibu recently because of a "drug outbreak" at the facility. Now, photos have emerged of LiLo smoking on the balcony of Cliffside Malibu with other patients. She's chatting with her rehab pals, four guys and another girl.

The group looks relaxed and happy. Maybe they're just glad to be out alone, rather than under the watchful eyes of rehab staff? There's also a beautiful view at Cliffside-thus, well, the name Cliffside. Lindsay is drinking what appears to be coffee and soaking in the view.

If you remember, Lohan was originally supposed to go to rehab in New York, but the facility wouldn't let her smoke. So at the last minute, Lohan went to Betty Ford (at literally the last minute-LiLo missed her plane, then had to take a private jet). Now, it appears, she's departed for greener pastures-where they'll at least let her have tobacco, if not "green".

Linds is expected to finish up her 90-day court-ordered rehab stint. After that, Lindsay, 26, is slated to make her first appearance post-rehab at the permier of "The Canyons" at the Venice Film Festival.

At least she won't have far to travel. Let's hope she makes it there unscathed-minus some lung damage.

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