Bill Maher: Donald Trump More Racist Than Paula Dean; Racism is More Than the `N-Word’ (Video)

Bill Maher says there’s more to racism than the “N word.” In talking about the ruling this week that threw out Article 5 of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, Bill Maher compared the Supreme Court to the controversial cooking show host, Paula Dean. Maher said the decision is a more subtle way to prevent progress than openly using racial slurs or expressing racism.

Bill Maher said "Donald Trump is a worse racist, but he gets to keep his show because he didn't say the word. Sarah Palin's a worse racist. She said Obama was shucking and jiving his way to victory. Newt Gingrich said he was the food stamp president. This is real racism."

Bill Maher says the decision reflects “racism 2.0.”

Bill Maher and his guests this week on HBO’s “Real Time with Bill Maher,” which included Kristen Soltis, Horace Cooper and Dan Neil, had a spirited debate over Chief Justice John Roberts' declaration that the country had changed enough to eliminate the voting law. Bill Maher went overtime in explaining how the decision enables disenfranchisement of minorities at the polls. Bill Maher said "These Supreme Court dudes, they don't live in the real world. They don't know how much the country has changed.”

The politically incorrect comedian came out swinging at the Supreme Court’s decision on the Voting Rights Act. He pointed out that Justice Antonin Scalia’s opinions which have become law will have a more damaging effect on voter equality. Maher said 'He talks about black people voting as an entitlement, that is so much more racist. Just the fact that he talks about black people voting as an entitlement, that is so much more racist than anything Paula Deen ever said.”

Maher seems an unlikely champion of Paula Deen, he’s consistently been trash-talking American food for a long time, but he defended the cooking show host over her recent controversy over her use of the “N word.” He says it is a punishment that did not fit the crime.

Maher said, “We have replaced having a conversation about race with ‘oh OK, liberals feel good about themselves if they make the bad person go away. Who’s the bad person? The one we caught saying that one word. Donald Trump is a worse racist but he gets to keep his show because he never said the word. Sarah Palin is a worse racist, she said Obama was shucking and jiving his way to victory. Newt Gingrich said he was the food stamp president. This is real racism.”

Bill Maher knows what it’s like when the public wants to make you go away. ABC dropped his old show, “Politically Incorrect” when Maher pointed out that the 9/11 hijackers cowardly when they died performing a terrorist act.

Maher doesn’t agree with Paula Deen, but he says the backlash is way over the top.

Maher called Donald Trump a because the real estate mogul said he’d pay to see Obama’s passport and school records. He called Trump’s suggestion that Obama donate the money to inner-city kids in Chicago showed racism without using words.

Maher has himself been called a racist for his comments on Muslims.

by Tony Sokol

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bill maher
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