Roy Kim's Ideal Girl Type? "Age Isn't Important"

Singer Roy Kim revealed that age isn't important in finding a girl.

Roy Kim, who released his first album "Love Love Love" on June 25, was recently interviewed with StarNews. When he was asked about his ideal girl type, he said, "I think it changes every time. There isn't a set type for me."

Roy Kim said, "Doesn't it change for everyone over time? One thing for sure is, I really like Jessica Alba these days."

Roy Kim had previously been in a scandal with actress Park Soo Jin, who is 8 years older than him. About this, his agency revealed, "They had met with interest a few times but they aren't in any special relationship at the moment."

Roy Kim said, "I don't think love is largely affected by age. If it's someone that I feel that I fit in well with, then I don't think age matters as much."

Photo Credit: Roy Kim

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