Roy Kim, "Celebrity? I'm Going To Do It Until I Die"

Roy Kim, the star of Mnet "Super Star K4" and the star of his recent album "Love Love Love," was interviewed.

Roy Kim rose to stardom quickly with his songs "Bom Bom Bom" and "Love Love Love," but he also fell just as quickly. As "Bom Bom Bom" bought suspicions of plagiarism, even though professionals declared that the song was not plagiarized, the crowd seemed to not easily let go of their bitterness. They pointed fingers at Roy Kim's attitude. Roy Kim had publicly apologized through his agency, saying, "Sorry for all the inconvenience and concerns I brought upon everyone and I will try my hardest to be a musician who is approved through his music."

Roy Kim had turned from a normal student about to go into college into a star who earned money that is not normal for someone his age, a 20-year-old. Roy Kim said, "At first, I thought, 'Do I deserve this much money?' That's how I came to understand that people have stereotypes against celebrities. I wasn't used to it at first. I thought being a singer was such a great career, but I think there's that much that you lose as much as you gain. You have to publicize all of your personal life, which is also part of the celebrity's life."

When the reporter asked him, "Isn't that part of the proces of becoming a celebrity?" and Roy Kim answered, "I will never settle or get used to this. I don't want to categorize people as celebrity and non-celebrity. But because my career now is celebrity, I want to live the rest of my life 'getting used to' this life."

About his biggest concerns to him at the moment, Roy answered, "My concerns for my future is the biggest. I always wonder what the right path for me is. I hope my plate gets bigger as I get older so that I'm able to embrace more people. There's much I want to learn and to be."

Photo Credit: Fortune Entertainment

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