One Direction Ruffles Some Feathers in the B.A.P Fandom With Their 'Best Song Ever'

You might have already heard about BAP's brief "cameo" on One Direction's newest music video "Best Song Ever"

If you haven't, all you need to know if that a slight has been made towards BAP, and no the fandom is not happy about it at all. One Direction has released a statement saying that the boy bands who were obviously used as examples for a new image concept on their video were placed there because of the respect that the band had for them. This was not taken as a fairly excusable reason because in the video, they flat out rejected the image as though it should have not even been considered in the first place.

Because of this incident, fandoms have been clashing. Not that there wasn't a clash before, but now things have escalated to extreme measures. Fans of BAP are even trying to reason with TS Entertainment, BAP's management, so that they could sue One Direction for their misuse of the picture and the obvious attack that they were trying to make.

Have you all heard about this news? What do you think was the real intention behind the use of the picture? Is it really appropriate that this goes to court?

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