UFO And Alien Encounter Traumatizes Dog Owner [VIDEO]: Will Security Cameras Help Capture Evidence From Now On?

As UFO sightings become more and more frequent with advancements in recording technology, will security cameras be the next big thing for UFO enthusiasts?

One particular UFO encounter that could have used security cameras took place in 2010 in Phear Park in Exmouth, UK, as reported on UFO Casebook.

In describing the UFO sighting, Roy Shaw described it as "round in shape and about 30 feet in diameter and 100 feet long, with blue and red flashing lights on its perimeter, and it appeared to land at the top end of the park by the bowling green."

"My dog started to growl when, what I can only describe as a white shape, came towards us."

As UFO and alien enthusiasts know, a close encounter of the third kind is extremely rare.

"It was about four-feet high and seemed to be translucent, and moved very slowly towards us. I was transfixed because it made a droning noise which sounded like 'my my,' over and over again, which I could not understand," continued Shaw.

"I didn't know where the sound was coming from but it was coming straight towards me. I immediately ran back down through the park."

What makes this sighting intriguing is that since it took place in a public park, security cameras could have caught such an important UFO and alien encounter.

As noted by UFO Sightings Daily founder Scott Waring, UFO hunters are quickly learning to use security cameras and cams to track and find sightings through multiple sources instantaneously.

"Actually it's an old tool and I have been using for over two years now. Online live cams are very useful for catching UFOs halfway around the world. You can switch from cam to cam allowing you to be in hundreds of places in just a few minutes time," writes Waring.

As such, UFO and alien sightings such as one experienced by Roy Shaw could've absolutely benefited from security camera evidence. And hopefully as more and more cameras as installed and easily accessed online, more and more sightings will surface.

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