Lady Gaga Twitter Message To Russian Government and LGBT Community: 'Oppression Will Be Met With Revolution'

Now that Russia's LGBT community is suffering from anti-gay laws and the country's prosecution is against her, Lady Gaga used Twitter and her nearly 40 million followers to relay a message to Soviet Union officials.

Earlier in the day, Mother Monster began her outcry by first offering her deepest sympathies to the Russian LGBT members who have to confine to laws issued by Vitaly Milonov, the Russian political official who issued St. Petersburg's law banning gay affiliation that he coined as "propaganda."

"Sending bravery to LGBTs in Russia. The rise in government abuse is archaic," tweeted the "Born This Way" anthem singer. "Hosing teenagers with pepper spray? Beatings? Mother Russia?"

The "Artwork" artist went on to accusing the Russian government of being the real culprit. In an attempt to calm the worries of the foreign citizens who are shunned due to their sexuality, she promised to use her power to stand up for them. "The Russian government is criminal. Oppression will be met with revolution. Russian LGBTs you art not alone . We will fight for your freedom," she guaranteed.

According to E! News, what started Gaga's ill words was a statement from Russian officials saying the entertainer could be prosecuted for not providing the correct visas to enter, let alone, perform in the USSR when made a trip there last December. After all this time they are now attempting to get the country's foreign ministry or federal migration service to press charges. Allegedly the main reason why this conflict resurfaced was because Milonov, the gay rights antagonist, brought it to the forefront.

However, Milonov could possibly be darting for the "Bad Romance" vocalist because she took a stance for the LGBT community at her 2012 show in Russia.

"Where's all my gay kids tonight? Tonight this is my house, Russia," said Gaga during last year's performance there. " You can be gay in my house."

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world news
Lady Gaga
mother monster
Vitaly Milonov
St Petersburg
Born This Way
