Love and Hip Hop Atlanta Updates: Erica Dixon Shows Off New Boo After Scrappy's Mom Disses Her While Intoxicated

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After Love and Hip Hop Atlanta's Mama Dee went on a drunken rant about Scrappy's ex fiance and baby mama, Erica Dixon went to Instagram to give an update of her life with her new boo.

During the weekend, the media caught up with the "Queen of the South" at K. Michelle's "Rebellious Soul" listening party to discuss her granddaughter's mother. Like usual Momma Dee had nothing nice to say.

"Erica being a trude ugly non sissy bitch and no loving bitch," said Scrappy's mom about her almost future daughter-in-law.

She went further with calling Erica and her mother wild beasts.

Eventually and yet again, Momma Dee also tried convincing the camera crew of the love Scrappy had for his former (or current) mistress Shay.

"Did you see it camera? Ya'll saw the chemistry her and Scrappy had...I'm just saying," she said.

Shay, who happened to be present, also attempted to throw out some evidence of a relationship with the rapper.

"Scrappy said I look good," boasted the former "Flavor of Love" contestant.

Momma Dee's bad mouthing doesn't seem to be phasing Erica, who is currently on cloud nine with her new squeeze that she has lately been showing off via social media.

The mystery man happens to be a model that goes by the name of Oshea. From the looks of it, he is quite smitten over Erica just as she is over him.

Looks like Scrappy has some competition.

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