Brian Sings about a ‘Pretty Woman’ for His Comeback

Brian Joo uploaded a photo of himself in the recording studio.

On August 19, Brian revealed two photos on his Twitter, with the caption, "This is the lyric sheet I used in the studio when I recorded 'Pretty Woman.' This is a slight teaser for my fans' eyes only."

In one of the photos, you can see a side profile of Brian wearing huge headphones in front of the microphone. He is concentrating on the lyrics and has a sincere look on his face. It's as if he put a lot of thought into singing the lyrics to his new song "Pretty Woman." In the next photo, you can see a lyric sheet with lots of highlights and mark-ups, made by Brian himself. These two photos raised expectations for his comeback.

On August 21, Brian's new digital single "Pretty Woman" was released by Rainbow Bridge Agency as The Artist Diary Project Pt. 3. It features an upbeat acoustic guitar melody and Brian's soothing yet playful and lively voice.

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