BEAST First 2 Days of World Tour 24,000 Fans Show Up!

Idol stars BEAST members opened their World Tour "Beautiful Show" in Seoul on February 4th. 

On the first day, 12,000 fans showed up for the concert and the same amount of fans showed up the next day for the second day of the tour.

Total of 24,000 fans showed up in Seoul to see BEAST on the 4th and the 5th combined.

BEAST members were flying through the Olympic Stadium to get closer to the fans who were far away. The members themselves are said to have decided on all the special effects on stage.

BEAST members have officially began their world tour in Seoul and will continue on all over the world. On the 12th, BEAST will be in Berlin, Germany. Then England, Spain, U.S., Canada, Japan, China, Singapore and countries in South America.

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Beautiful Show
world tour
