Kingdom Hearts 3 Release Date: Game Cancelled? Square Enix Rumored To Prevent Next Game From Launching

There is a chance that Square Enix could cancel the Kingdom Hearts 3 game and prevent it from launching, Society and Religion reports, leaving gamers clamoring for an answer from the games developer.

But one source tells the website the developer will move forward with plans to produce the game and is desperate to release it.

"Nope, Square Enix needs money. Kingdom Hearts 3 is potential money. Square Enix will make Kingdom Hearts 3 to make money," the source told Society and Religion.

"Of course nothing is ever set in stone and hey Square Enix could suddenly crash and burn or Nomura could die or something. Kingdom Hearts III isn't about to be cancelled, though."

In a list of 100 titles scheduled for release in the Playstation 4's first year, PS4Cheats may have subtly confirmed that Kingdom Hearts 3 could be coming before the end of 2014, reports.

In fact, PS4Cheats is careful to point out that 33 games are coming just for 2013, and the total number of games in development run to 180. So, they did their research to make this list (which, of course, will have certain titles in common with the other two lists of games), also reports.

Many gamers are awaiting the release of Kingdom Hearts 3 after its predecessor game ended with a cliffhanger that might be answered in the series' newest edition.

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